Four College of Business Seniors Honored with Awards for Excellence
The Montana State University (MSU) Alumni Association and the Bozeman Chamber of Commerce
recognized the top forty MSU seniors and their faculty or staff mentors at the 29th annual Awards for Excellence banquet. The awards ceremony took place on Tuesday,
February 22 in the Strand Union Building Ballrooms.
Student winners were nominated by faculty in their college or department and chosen by an award selection committee. Honorees maintained a minimum 3.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale and demonstrated campus leadership and community service.
The College of Business students and their mentors who were honored at the banquet were:
Meghan Doyle, business marketing/management and psychology/Mike Gold
Aimee Hokanson, business finance/Steve Ault
James McGuiness, business management/Gary Bishop
Sophie Mumford, business accounting and economics/Bonita Peterson Kramer