A group of students gathering in a meeting room.


Start off your college adventure with the fundamentals of business through our Business Entrepreneurship Seminar for freshmen before obtaining the leadership skills to manage and grow a profitable business, including critical thinking, problem-solving skills and ethical decision-making in the global marketplace.

Management – B.S. in Business, Management Emphasis

In the Management program at Montana State, students actively practice the critical problem-solving and decision-making skills that will serve in the workforce. Whether networking through the Management & HR Club or practicing a start-up pitch at MSU's Blackstone LaunchPad, Management students have a breath of resources at their fingertips to apply what they’ve learned in the classroom into the real world. With the skills gained in the Management track, students are prepared to step into a variety of roles such as analysts, managers, human resources specialists, entrepreneurship and more.

The Business major at Montana State offers three other Options Within the Major: Accounting, Finance and Marketing.






Illustration of a line graph, with the trending line tipping upwards.

Entreprentice Challenge
Through the "Entreprentice Challenge," participating business students each receive $25 in start-up capital that they use to launch real businesses, aiming to be as profitable and impactful as possible in just three weeks. Students go on to donate their profits to local organizations.

Illustration of two hands clasped together in a handshake.

Community Outreach
Management students in the senior-level Entrepreneurial Experience gain real-world skills by partnering with area businesses to provide research, issue analysis and operational advice.

Illustration of a light bulb with a gear in the center.

MSU Blackstone LaunchPad
Entrepreneurial students interested in starting their own businesses can turn to the MSU Blackstone LaunchPad. Housed within the Jake Jabs College of Business & Entrepreneurship, the LaunchPad has helped hundreds of teams through coaching, networking and funding support.




Career Resources

Within their first year of graduation, more than 96% of Montana State graduates are employed, continuing their education or not seeking employment, and career guidance website Zippia consistently ranks MSU as the #1 school in the state where alumni are most likely to land jobs.

Career Coaching & Professional Skills Studio

Professional career coaches help students with their career exploration, employer networking opportunities and job or internship searches. They also critique resumes and help students practice job interviews. Additionally, the Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success offers free workshops for students to develop the professional communication and collaboration skills that are highly sought after by employers.


Management students at Montana State University go into careers such as:

  • Business Advising
  • Corporate Investment Banking
  • Data Analysis
  • Management Consulting
  • Project Management

To explore more career possibilities, the Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success has a variety of tools available[BROKEN LINK],including self-assessment and working with career coaches.